The Genderqueer Crossdressing Universe

1. Facebook Gender and Pronoun Settings: Which Way Will You Go?


2. Animation Wonders


SheZow - (for Australian viewers)


Frozen's show stopping song "Let It Go" -


3. Cordelia Fine - Delusions of Gender - The Real Science Behind Sex Differences - Childhood -


4. Australian magazines


Vogue Australia Chinese Edition -


Raising my androgynous son Andrej Pejic -


5. Tall women clothes


The best sites to buy clothes for tall women -


Tall by Design -


Audrey Rosalie -


Alexa Dress -


Hepburn Shift -



6. Michael Sam and the NFL


Jon Stewart's view


Dallas sportcasters Dale Hansen's view (second video)



Direct download: 20140215_Facebook_changes_Frozen_tall_women_clothes.mp3
Category:Genderqueer -- posted at: 9:00am EST